Hagiographical and iconic-narrative frescoes in the church of San Lorenzo at Pistoia


  • Nicoletta Matteuzzi




Pistoia, 14th century, Frescoes, Hagiography, Saints


In the almost ruined Augustinian church of San Lorenzo in Pistoia many frescoes are preserved, although in a poor state of conservation. Many of them are arranged in little narrative scenes set around a central standing saint, which is the main character of the hagiographical cycle, as in Vita-Icon panels. This is a common type of decoration in Tuscany during the 14th and 15th centuries, but the frescoes in San Lorenzo show some peculiarities in the disposition of the scenes and in the themes of the representation: for instance the mural painting with Mary and Eve’s stories, or the one dedicated to Saint Catherine, or the gigantic Saint Christopher.



How to Cite

Matteuzzi, N. (2016). Hagiographical and iconic-narrative frescoes in the church of San Lorenzo at Pistoia. INTRECCI d’arte, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2240-7251/6433